How to setup a Sequelink Data Source on Windows?

Abstract: How to setup a Sequelink Data Source on Windows?

Problem: What are the steps for setting up a Sequelink Data Source? Solution: InterBase V5.5 Sequelink V2.06 Sequelink CAT V4.51 Follow the steps below for setting up a Sequelink Data Source: 1. Make sure InterBase Guardian/server is running as a service. 2. Make sure sequelink service is running. 3. Make sure that both the InterBase guardian/server and sequelink service have Interactive with Desktop unchecked in the control panel/services/startup. 4. Start Sequelink CAT. 5. Press New for adding a new data source. 6. Fill in Name: Any name you want to call this Sequelink data source. Service -- Type: InterBase Name: This is the name of the Sequelink service. Check control panel/services if you don't know the name of the Sequelink service. Or the Port number of the Sequelink service. For example, 4011 is the default port # for default. database: Full path to the database. user name: database user name password: database password Host -- Type: NT or Unix user name: OS user name password: Os user password Network -- Type: Tcp/ip host: The host machine name 7. Press Add. And then double click on the new data source and test it. 8. This Sequelink Data Source is now available to use within ODBC data source setup.